Why Choose Midcoast Trucks as an employer?
Do you want to live and work on the beautiful Mid North Coast of NSW?
A safe working environment:
We want our employees to follow safe work practices and we provide you with a safe work environment, systems, procedures and protective equipment.
Above Award Wages:
Our pay rates are very competitive including commissions and bonuses based on KPI’s.
Training & Development:
We identify skills you need to perform your job and then train you accordingly. We provide access to both internal and external training sources.
Modern Equipment:
We are continually updating our equipment to provide the best possible tools.
Our Culture:
We believe in our values. This means as part of our team we will respect you and treat you fairly. We listen to any concerns and work through them. Our teams act with honesty and integrity at all times. We want you to feel good about working for a company of high ethics.
Equal Employment Opportunity:
We are committed to equal opportunity for all our team members. We recruit, develop and value our team members based upon their demonstrated skills, qualifications and abilities regardless of gender, race, marital status, age, religion or physical disability.
Midcoast Trucks Employment Philosophy
Hire an attitude, train a skill!!
Send resume with at least 2 current references to: jobs@mct.com.au. For more information phone on 02 6568 2888